Don’t Sleep on This Comfort Sleeper Sale!

Thanks to thin mattresses and hideously uncomfortable bars, sleeper sofas have become the dread of overnight guests and a source of shame for overnight hosts. But dread and shame no more! American Leather has created the cure for the common couch. 

Why is the Comfort Sleeper so much better than the average pullout couch? Surprisingly it’s not what American Leather puts in the sofas that sets them apart , it’s what they DON'T put in the sofas. There are two things you’ll never find in an American Leather Comfort Sleeper Sofa, bars and springs. 


The minds at American Leather were able to engineer a sleeper sofa without using the infamous bars or notorious springs. This creates a tremendously more comfortable sleeping experience for any overnight guest. This news is enough to make anyone jump for joy, but it just keeps getting better. 

From August 26th to September 27th, all American Leather Sleeper Sofas will be $300 off! Any size, any style, any color or pattern are all $300 off. 

This sale is a great opportunity for you to snag a quality sofa at a bargain price. As you might have guessed by the name, all American Leather products are made by the finest craftsmen right here in the good old US of A. 

When American Leather was founded they based the company on the idea that custom furniture can be made and shipped in under 3 weeks. This simple yet revolutionary idea has catapulted American Leather from a 4 man shop to a leader in the furniture industry. Today American Leather sells in more than 650 stores, including our humble shop on Cherry Street.